Chapter 4. The Warp connector

Be careful that the new versions (Apache 2 and tomcat 4) needs some particular changes. I will try to integrate them, but for now, check the Chapter 5 : References at the end of this document !

How to setup Warp connector (mod_webapp) (Windows 2000).

I will write explanation for the a Linux environement.

Installation (Windows 2000). Go to the Tomcat page of the Apache "Jakarta" project. Download the file (64Ko). Or use one of the other distribution file from this directory. (Note that even the current Tomcat version is 4.0.3, the connectors are still in their own version directory.) Unpack libapr.dll and in your "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\modules" directory. You do NOT need to put the .dll in your winNT/System directory as it is requested in the INSTALL.txt !

Installation (Linux). Go to the Tomcat page of the Apache "Jakarta" project. Download the file webapp-module-1.0-tc40-linux-glibc2.2.tar.gz. Or use one of the other distribution file from this directory. (Note that there is a (400Ko) in the v4.0.2 directory.) Note that Tomcat is version 4.0.3 but WARP is in the 4.0.1 directory ...Copy in your "/Apache/libexec" directory.

Configure Apache. I followed the INSTALL.txt for this. Edit your httpd.conf file (in the "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\conf" directory.) Add the line "LoadModule webapp_module modules/" after all the other "LoadModule ... " lines. Add the line "AddModule mod_webapp.c" after all the other "AddModule ... " lines. At the end of the file : add the lines

			WebAppConnection warpConnection      warp
			WebAppDeploy     examples  warpConnection  /examples

And you can add this line "WebAppInfo /webapp-info", if you want to connect to "http://localhost/webapp-info/" to know how is your WARP connector. I put my IP adress ( but localhost should be OK.

Configure Tomcat.  Edit your server.xml file (in the "C:\Programs\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3-LE-jdk14\conf" directory.) Remove all the standalone service : from <Service name="Tomcat-Standalone"> to </Service>. So it leaves only the service <Service name="Tomcat-Apache">. This way, you are shure that Tomcat is only accessed through the Apache http Server.